Dyslexia Testing and Assessment
Dyslexia Institutes is a leader in assessing dyslexia and related cognitive processing challenges. Utilizing a current battery of well-known standardized tests, our Clinics can diagnose dyslexia.
Multisensory Remediation
Remediating dyslexia requires proven scientifically-based methods. Dyslexia Institutes of America uses a "hybrid Orton-Gillingham" program individualized for every client.
Dyslexia Awareness and Resources
Dyslexia affects nearly 1 in 5 people. You are not alone! Our organization pride's itself on increasing awareness and being a resource in the communities that we serve.
Since 1993
Welcome to Dyslexia Institutes of America!
Dyslexia Institutes of America is a national network of clinics whose sole purpose is to diagnose and treat individuals coping with dyslexia. To dyslexic readers and parents of dyslexic readers who are visiting this website to learn more about dyslexia and what can be done to treat it, we know and appreciate your journey and we are here to help.
Dyslexia can be a complicated subject and into this complexity we will try to bring some order and understanding.
We hope that our site can be a starting point for your journey into making informed decisions about how to help yourself and your loved ones become independent, literate learners for life.

Next Steps...
Curious? Have questions? We are here to help. Feel free to contact one of our talented professionals to get the answers you need or start your journey into the dyslexia arena.