Multi-Sensory Remediation Therapy
An individualized therapy plan is formulated for each new client based on the results of the diagnostic testing. The plan includes cognitive processing therapy, phonological processing therapy as well as direct multi-sensory instruction. The client will follow this continually monitored plan throughout his/her therapy.
When a client enrolls in the clinic he/she attends for a two-hour block of time, once per week. After this intensive therapy session, the therapist meets with the client's parents or the adult's helper and explains what was taught and what was mastered during the therapy session. The therapist gives the parent or adult helper a written record of the therapy session and a packet of Home Therapy for the client to practice learning skills at home (approximately 20-30 minutes per night) outside of clinical therapy.
Therapists may work with as many as two clients at once, but every client has his/her own and individualized therapy session plan.